Sunday, June 19, 2011
Thimble weekend
Posted by Unknown at 8:43 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Henry and Spooky chillaxing
at least the boys have selected the right pile of fabric on which to rest-the cat fabric! Why they feel the need to jump up on the this shelf is beyond me!
Posted by Unknown at 1:26 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Decisions, decisions....
I made a "to do" list for today. The emission check for the car, so I can get the tag renewed before my birthday, a pedi for feet that need attention and cleaning (the cleaning lady comes on Monday.) I don't clean before she comes but with the fabric explosion in the living room, I need to get a handle on it. so I got up early and knocked off the usual stuff-laundry, etc. I was at the emission station at 8AM. Since the nail salon did not open until 9:30, I headed out to Sweet Home. I had some quilt tops to donate.

But now I need to get back to that messy picture on the top of this entry. I think some of this stuff is going to be donated because I just don't feel like dealing with it. I still have a mountain in the sewing room as well.
Posted by Unknown at 2:18 PM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The bad grandmother redeemed herself
Yesterday was Emma's dance recital. Did I remember? Of course not-I really need to write things down and paste them up on the refrig. Fortuantely, Sue called in time for me to drive over to Roswell. So much for the pedi today. I love the tiny dancers-they are so cute. Emma had her routine down pat and did well.
I brought the girls back here so Mom and Dad could go out for the evening. We stopped at Mickey Dee's and got our picnic food. Willie has not had any french fries in a very long time! Despite the mountains of fabric being sorted and cut up, Emma found room for the Polly's and Moda Man arrived for some fun times. He has not had any time with the girls in a long time either.
Thank goodness for Disney tv. I really need to figure out how to make the DVD work so we can watch movies. Sarah and Emma managed to make some crafts and pick out fabric for laundry bags.
They are still sleeping this morning.
I got to see Alice for a few minutes yesterday as well. I needed to make a delivery at her house of a little umbrella table and chairs for her outdoor entertaining. Only problem is that it is too hot to be outside right now...the heatwave goes on....
Posted by Unknown at 8:04 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, June 3, 2011
Catastrophes and people who care
We all know that this Spring has been a pretty nasty one weather wise. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with the season. I long for Spring all winter long (I really hate the cold). But then it arrives in all it's glory, new greens, vibrant flowers, pollen and tornadoes. Tornadoes were pretty much foreign to me until 1998. I only remember one when I loved in NY and was not affected by that one. And now, here I am living in the south. Not quite tornado alley but...
At any rate, the past few weeks have caused much devastation and many deaths. Joplin, Mo was hit as was Tuscaloosa and Reingold. Judy Laquidara of Patchwork Times blog lives close to Joplin and several days ago proposed a way to help those devastated by the tornado. If you sent her a check for the red cross, you would be entered in a drawing for a quilt. I have watched her blog. And the checks have rolled in. The total collected is up to $9520. Quilters responding to others in need. Hat off to all who have participated. We open our hearts and pocketbooks and respond to the needs of people we will never know. Charity quilts, quilts of valor, quilts for Japan all those who sew for hospitalized children or people with cancer.
Who says the world is a terrible place-there are many of us who really care about others.
Posted by Unknown at 10:40 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments