Last night was the annual Party on the Porch at Sweet Home. Since this summer has been SO HOT, Bad Melisa moved the party indoors. We played games, munched on goodies and fondled fabric! I participated in yoyo's right up there with heinous applique(staplique). I should have picked up the last block for Comfort and Joy. The last month is still sitting on the table unopened. I will get around to it someday! I could not resist those pretty Christmas ornaments and the fabric that went with it. So it came home with me.
After Party on the Porch, Cindi, Sarah-no blog, and I went to Brewster's for ice cream. We did this last year as well. Sarah has pictures to prove it!
Today was a day to rid myself of the green tootsies. The toes are now a more traditional red. Then it was over to see Miss Alice. Kris wanted to see the fabric I picked up for her new quilt. Alice got her big girl bed this week, so I need to get busy making the quilt. Kris was doing artwork on her wall. Lots of owls and cute!! We decided that one of the fabrics we had picked up several months ago would look great bordering the curtains. The curtains came home with me and I did some unsewing on the fabric I had added to them for the nursery.
Now about that second picture.......the car made a wrong turn and somehow I ended up at Patchwork Cottage! Look at what Moda did! 1-800-GOTTA HAVE. Don't often see gray and this is a good one. Mita has this line right as you walk in-just grab the bolts and have her cut it. She even has that great pattern. Instant project....another one. Still haven't figured out the border for last week's project-work got in the way
I am hoping I can do Alice's curtain tomorrow
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Party on the Porch and other stuff
Posted by Unknown at 11:24 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Quilt Camp-2011 now only a memory
I was here by 7:30 in the morning. I figured by the time I would be on unfamiliar roads, it would be light. I left home at 6AM. This is a new place for us and I LOVE it. A cabin in the woods-outside of Dahlonaga, Ga in the middle of nowhere! Well actually we were not too far from the Kangaroo rescue place-didn't see it-too busy sewing and laughing. 14 gals all together-how fun is that???

Posted by Unknown at 1:14 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Quilt camp
I am off to quilt camp in a little while. have to wait for it to get light out! Don't like to drive in the dark anymore. This year is a new adventure as the location and date were changed. This is year 8 or 9 of this annual event. It is August this year instead of Sept and an emergency change of location as well.
So it is somewhere outside of Dahlonaga. I just need to load the car with my stuff and I am good to go. I have not packed any clothes yet...who needs clothes...when I get out s suitcase, the guys get "funny". I wonder if others' four-footers act the same? Don't need more than a couple of outfits and clean undies...not much to pack.
doubt that much will be accomplished in the next couple of days but I know that I will have a good time.
Camera is to follow
Posted by Unknown at 4:43 AM 4 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Quilt Inspectors at work..
Last evening I finished sewing the last rows together of Long Road Home. It is our latest Thimble friends swap. Lots and lots of little pieces. After I finished it, the boys had to check it out. Spooky takes his job a little more seriously than Wild Willie, as you can see! Now I have to make a decision about the back...piece it or get a wide back fabric. What do you think?
After I finished the top, I finished the book "The Help". I want to see the movie but I wanted to finish the book first. I really enjoyed the book. I am glad times have changed in the South from the sixties.
Posted by Unknown at 5:56 AM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Summer lethargy
I have not done much lately except eat, work and sleep. It has been just too hot to do much else. While vegging on the couch, I have been reading a bit. Right now I am about half way through "The Help" a little, nap a little.
I decided perhaps today I should do a little sewing. I am working on our latest Thimbles swap. Kristie has finished hers. It is a good thing since I had to go to Pat's blog to look at the picture for the construction. Sew a little, nap a little.....
Then I decided I should figure out just what projects I have started and not yet finished. Preliminary list includes:
Roll, roll cotton boll-I need to make a back for it
Emily Jane-the Silver Thimbles project......luv,luv luv is not really started yet
and the Thimble swap #4 ..pieces for the top all done just needs to be put together
I know there are lots more but I think I will concentrate on these....
BUT quilt camp is the 18th and I have fabric ready for that one as well
Posted by Unknown at 1:14 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments