Laurie is the official party planner (or party natzi). We know where Sarah gets the gene from). Actually when I checked my camera, there are no party pictures. Could be that 16 nine year old girls are just too much for this old girl. The party team was scrap booking and each little girl made a little photo book with their own pictures. Cute idea. It always amazes me when I watch Sue with children. She is a natural teacher. Since Sarah and Emma now go to the school where she teaches, these kids knew that she was that Ms. Friedrichs.

Kris and Alice watching the party. Alice is a definite- I love those pants!

Mommy is inside and Alice is just checking to make sure she can see her!
Apology to the birthday girl but she was very busy entertaining. I will try again next week as Emma has her party. I just am too old to get in the thick of it. I did my time!
Yesterday was also Thimbles. I made binding for the Brandon quilt and layered it. I have to re do that part since I have a ginourmous wrinkle. I hope to get it done this week. It was fun being with the Thimbles as usual. I had some applique tutoring with Sarah no blog. She is doing Comfort and Joy in needle turn (and doing a beautiful job). While I would love to do that, I have to acknowledge that at my age, I would never finish this baby. I am still telling Pat that my method of choice will be "mechanical applique" otherwise known as staples! I think it is a novel solution (just kidding). The applique does not start until month three. Month two is this week.
Cleaning lady is coming tomorrow...gotta go clean the house!