H e was not a happy camper yesterday! But the saga goes back to the weekend. He was unable to sleep in his usual place (on his pillow, on the bed) as it was too warm. The ac people came out and fixed the unit temporarily. Monday the new furnace/ac was installed. Ah the house is comfortable again. But by Monday evening, I noticed the thermostat would not go below 80 and i heard the fan running all night.
I had to wait until Tues evening for the guys to come back-had to go to work to pay for the new furnace/ac! The temp in the house at 5PM-91 degrees. The repair guys came when they said they would -coo dos to Ace and A. It seems a weld did not hold. It took several hours for the temp and humidity in the house to drop but by bedtime, we were all comfortable and Henry did indeed sleep in his usual spot!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Henry Report
Posted by Unknown at 5:06 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Don't you love surprises?
I surprised my BFF Kathy yesterday and it makes my heart sing. When the Morning Star quilt top was finished (ages ago) I knew I wanted to give it was going to be for her. That was back in late winter (I think). I finally finished it and sent it off this week. It arrived yesterday. Of course, the temp in Mahopac has been just like here-high 90's and humid. And no central air. Only one as special as my girl would be so excited about receiving a quilt when it is so darn hot out!
Kathy and I have been friends for more than thirty years. We have been together through thick and thin. Remember she was the one I dragged to Alaska last year. I just wish I was not so far away from her now.
And now for another surprise (this one for me)-my air conditioning unit decided that it would give up the ghost day before yesterday. I woke up during the night and knew that there was something wrong. It was so uncomfortable in the house that the guys took to sleeping on the floor. No pillow in bed for Sir Henry. When it got light out I checked outside and the lines were iced over. The air conditioning guy came yesterday morning and added some freon but the unit has outlived it's days. The replacement will be installed tomorrow $$$$$$$$$$$$ But at least it is now comfortable in the house!
90 little blocks completed on the new swap. Need to get some red fabric.
Posted by Unknown at 3:58 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, July 22, 2011
Big Brown stopped here...
I think it was Monday when I saw this at the Fat Quarter Shop. Oh so yummy, 1-800-GOTTA HAVE! I didn't order the darkest set. It is called Primitive Gatherings by Moda. The darker pieces are a really rich brown.

Posted by Unknown at 8:21 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hot steamin' Thimble Weekend
These are the backs of my latest quilt finishes. Above is Lilac Hill. I love this fabric sooooo much! I had lots of it. I made a schnibble and deliberately made it off center. I think it made it a bit wacky interesting.

Posted by Unknown at 8:40 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Holiday weekend
The only activity happening in the sewing room is Henry sleeping on his window quilt. His friend Morph over at Stella Bella is doing the same thing...catching some zzzz's.
Posted by Unknown at 8:51 PM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, July 1, 2011
vanilla life=infrequent blogging
How long has it been hot here? I think summer began back in April-at least that is how it feels. But I am not having to shovel snow or look for a scarf and gloves so I will not complain. Wild Willie has the right idea-get as much of your body on a cool surface, Spooky is not able to get that loose.
Posted by Unknown at 6:23 AM 3 wonderful peoplecomments