Sunday, November 27, 2011
Orca Bay-Part 2
Posted by Unknown at 1:50 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, November 25, 2011
Gobblle Jog-2011
Here is Sweet Sarah. Sarah coordinates. Notice the braces?-match the jacket. Sarah got her ears pierced this week and the earrings match as well. Sarah got her ears pierced now because her Mom got hers pierced when she was two months short of 10 as well.

Posted by Unknown at 6:19 AM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Orca Bay Part 1
Bonnie's directions: make 244 quarter square triangles. Done! I think I have a few extra to boot.
Ready for next step-due Friday .......and I am work for 4 days.
Posted by Unknown at 11:31 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Second half of my Thimbles Weekend

Posted by Unknown at 6:18 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Yipee skippy!!!!
I have to say that I checked Bonnie's site before I left for work yesterday to see if clue #1 was up and it was. No need to go to work before I download it! I am ready to get started on all those quarter square triangles...448? I will try to get a few done this weekend.
Last night I went to Thimbles just because I could! I didn't really intend to sew much or stay that long but I did not get home until after ten. (Elizabeth, it's the big one!). I worked on the binding for Emily Jane. I am doing the two color binding and had to have Grandma Pat show me what to do to connect them. I will be going back today for another session. this time GRANDMA PAT will be helping me with Dark and Creepy. (I am so happy for Pat and of course Andy that they will have a grandbaby to spoil come the spring.) Emily and Russ must know that there is going to be no living with GRANDMA PAT. Can't wait to see the designs for quilts for this little bundle.
Sarah (no blog) brought her red wagon decorated with garland and Alice and Henry inside. We parked our wagons together for a photo. Moda Man and Fat Quarter (the S. H.) were in their compartment (the basket). I need to replace my horn and get one like Sarah has. Mine is just too wimpy! I will take my camera today for a picture.
As for matters not whether I sew there. I so enjoy being with some of the nicest ladies in Atlanta. We used to be called Stitchin Sisters before the advent of Silver Thimbles and we truly are. We share our sewing and our fabbies but we share in so many other ways. I love you all!
Posted by Unknown at 7:08 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, November 12, 2011
In search of The Big Chicken
I needed to go to Little Quilts. I NEEDED to!! I have misplaced (lost seems so harsh) my big scissors. I have searched high and low for it and all I found was dust bunnies. I knew Mary Ellen had the scissor I wanted so I set out for Little Quilts bright and early this morning. I don't go there much as it is on the other side of the world. But every time I do go, I manage to get myself lost. I am okay if I go to tiny Stitches first but otherwise.....
And sure enough I took the wrong turn off of I75 and ended up heading toward beautiful downtown Marietta. So I took a right turn and then another right turn and I finally spotted The Big Chicken. I don't know the address of Little Quilts but I do know that it is down the road from said Chicken. And every direction in Marietta is related to where it is in relations to the Big Chicken.
Mission accomplished-I got my scissors. Place was hopping as it was a pick up day for a block of the month. Thought I was going to have to park in Smyrna! Brenda was there and we chatted and checked out some fat quarters that will be used in the next Bonnie Hunter mystery (coming this Friday). I needed some blacks to perk up my stash. Also ran into another Thimble there-Danita.
I was good and did not detour to Tiny Stitches but headed over to Alpharetta to drop off my Thksg dinner contribution-turkey gravy base from Wm Sonoma.
As for the rest of the weekend?........who knows. I need to get back to Dark and Creepy
Posted by Unknown at 1:27 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
HavenStone AKA Dark and Creepy
Posted by Unknown at 5:30 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, November 4, 2011
At last...Friday
There were times this week, that I thought it would never come. I am really tired of this whining. I don't want to whine I would really like to go back to when I enjoyed my job. It was not that long ago. It is a combination of new owners of the facility and the government who controls Medicare/Medicaid funding. An 11% cut across the board Oct 1 has caused companies nationwide to scramble and attempt to be able to care for our frail elderly. As a result, those of us in the "industry" are caught between a rock and a hard place. I am drowning in paperwork and jumping through hoops. But I am fortunate to still have a job. I know of people whose jobs have been eliminated. I know of employees who are told to do the job in less hours. I am too old for this garbage. But the sad thing is that we are aging rapidly in this country and things are going to get much worse. Who is going to take care of you when you are unable to do so?
Enough of feeling sorry for myself.....don't have any cheese to go with the whine anyway. I did make a list one night this week of works in progress or projects high up on my to do list:
1- Roll roll Cotton Boll-needs a backing and then quilting
1-Emily Jane-needs binding-only I can't figure out how to do the 2 color binding. Thimbles project-Pat will help with that
3-HavenStone-have started cutting the pieces for it
4-Quilt Camp Swap-need to continue making blocks. Swap blocks are done and ready for exchange after the holidays
5-quilt Camp project-working on the border for this one. I am over this quilt-just want it done. I would donate this top except I promised it to Laurie
6-comfort and Joy AKA Pain and Suffering-a moment of weakness. I love this pattern but I wish an applique fairy would appear and do it for me. Maybe I should put it under my pillow when I go to sleep and see if she comes
7-Scrappy Hunter's Star-the fabbie is in a container waiting to go
8-Perfect 10 ditto
9-Kris need a mantel cover
9- I think I signed up for the Nov project at Thimbles it is a beauty
10- Bonnie Hunter mystery starts Nov 18. I am on board for this one-pulling together my colors
But for now....I am going to bed. I will worry about it tomorrow.
Posted by Unknown at 10:46 PM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
It's coming.....
It is is almost time.....
I am not quite sure when I became a Bonnie Hunter groupie. I so love playing with little pieces. at any rate, her next mystery quilt will debut in a couple of weeks. Must get my fabbies together. I am going to use the same colors she used.
The first Bonnie Hunter quilt I made was called Orange Crush. she likes orange, me not so much. I did finish the top but I really did not like my color selection once the whole thing was together. I have collected all of her mysteries in the book.
I have made Double Delight and Carolina Christmas. I have Bonnie's autograph on the quilt label for Double Delight. Roll, Roll is done but needs to be quilted. I don't think the fabric I bought last week is enough. I will have to go to option next!
Not much sewing going on here. I have mostly done the preliminary cutting for Havenstone AKA Dark and Creepy. I am ready to start but just too darn tired to play at the end of the day. Maybe this weekend.
How many days until then? 2......16 scheduled work hours....that is 960 minutes.......I love my job...NOT
Had to get new toner for my printer. It only took me 20 minutes to figure out where the cartridges were and how to get them out.
Posted by Unknown at 7:27 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments