Sunday, May 26, 2013
New Project?...

Posted by Unknown at 8:07 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, May 24, 2013
Celebrating One Year
I have discovered many things in the past 12 months:
-Pajama days are highly under-rated
-I have more projects (and fabric) than I will be able to finish in my lifetime
-Quilting buddies can get you in A LOT of trouble
-Laughing is contagious, road trips with friends are the best
-There are so many talented people in Gwinnett Co. and they share and encourage freely
-Guild, workshops and retreats are addictive
-When you leave the house, it will probably end up costing $100
-It doesn't matter what you look like in a bathing suit
All in all, I am in love with my new life style. I have the time to do what I want to do. I have the time to enjoy my granddaughters. I have time to smell the flowers and reflect on how I am so blessed.
And on a side note: Spooky and Wild Willie seem to enjoy having me around more.
Posted by Unknown at 8:21 AM 4 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Farewell to Facebook
I've decided that I am done with Facebook. Lately all there has been is stuff copied from Pinterest and ads. I am tired of people and their rants and raves as well. Maybe I will look at the cat pictures-really don't want to give those up.
Posted by Unknown at 8:12 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Grandmother's Choice block of the week
I do love a mystery and this weekend at Thimbles, Pat introduced the new mystery quilt. I am excited!! I will be doing it in light gray and hot pink.
It is a very gray day here in the ATL. I have managed to clean up and get dressed. Just may be all that I get accomplished today.
Posted by Unknown at 12:36 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, May 18, 2013
A Clowder of Crazy Cats
Mr quilt inspector is checking out my work. I also had to embroider whiskers. I tried to make one of the cats in the quilt resemble Wild Willie. Spooky is kind of represented but it was hard as he is all black. I hope he does not notice!
Posted by Unknown at 3:27 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
2012 Quilt Retreat swap
Posted by Unknown at 3:54 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, May 11, 2013
#37 -Nameless Star:The Lucy Stone League
Spooky felt the need to assist me this morning in fabric selection for this block. I guess he did not approve of my choice, as I ended up with a small scratch on my finger!
The completed block. This block is also called Variable Star or Sawtooth Star
My other quilt inspector checking out my progress on the swap. A few of us from last year's quilt retreat met last Saturday to swap our blocks. I have constructed the center but the borders are still a work in progress. I do love the secondary patterns that are created with putting the blocks together. I have navy fabric for a narrow border. The outer border is going to be ?????
Yesterday at the senior center I worked on disappearing four patches. This is one possibility. And I have the blue/gold half square triangles too. Decisions, decisions! We had a spirited and often hilarious discussion yesterday of non-quilt related topics. I think the powers that be may be sorry they moved this rowdy bunch up to the front of the building It is good to laugh yourself silly at times!
Emma and I are going to have a sleepover tonight as Sarah is off camping with the girl scouts. I wonder what Emma has up her sleeve to do!!! I know it will involve french fries anyway.
Posted by Unknown at 9:14 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunbonnet Sue needs rainware!
So you ask, what is this? She is something I really did not need. But since the tax refund FINALLY arrived, I decided to treat myself. She has a wonderful stitch that I can do some quilting on small pieces. She has a built in walking foot. If you look at old Sue, you can see a decorative stitch I did on her bonnet. It only took me a few trys to figure out how to wind the bobbin. I am signed up for a class the middle of May. I need to write down questions I have. Otherwise when I get there, I will have forgotten!
Now it is confession time......this past Sunday I went to have something to eat with my friend Sarah. I arrived first. I told the waitress that I was meeting a friend who had short, red curly hair. Sarah does not have red hair and never has. What was I thinking??? I attribute the booboo to the over abundance of rain lately!!
Posted by Unknown at 11:46 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments