I realized last evening that I had not talked to a single person live today. I had spent time on the computer and emailed Becky about the mystery quilt. Also emailed Laurie about her quilt. Other than that, it was just a few random meows to respond to! And after I filled the bowl they were pretty quiet.
Anyway, I worked on the quilt for Laurie which is a kind of design as you go since we purchased fabric without a specific pattern in mind. I have had to make some changes-the latest, changing number of the "people" blocks since I don't have enough of one of the fabrics to make 16 blocks of the other one. So now it is 15 and 15. Will see how it goes. 14 "people" blocks are done.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Touch of the Far East
Posted by Unknown at 6:21 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Who's to blame.....
My friend Louise would say it was my fault when we were out on the prowel and she bought fabric! Well I read Gretchen's blog, or was it her response to mine. At any rate she was making plans for a road trip to Sweet Home. Sounds good to me. I decided this morning that today was the day for a haircut as well. first, I'll go to Sweet Home and then swing back and get my hair cut. Knowing full well that after a trip I would probably not do my hair. So I went to the hair place first. Mission accomplished the hair has been cut. I'm good to go!!! On to Conyers.........
I won...I got there first. Becky soon arrived. She had emailed this AM but I was already out of the house. So....mini sisters group on the road. We had a good time. It is so much fun to bounce ideas off of others. I was bad and spent too much money but I got some really pretty fabric and a book. Add this on to the pile of works in progress.
Becky is doing the mystery quilt "orange crush". I came home and signed on too. I have to go shopping in my sewing room this afternoon and see if I can pull a few fabrics together. I will have to depend on Becky to tell me when the next part is due because I am not sure I am signed in.
Back to Sweet Home...we missed Melisa. Melisa WHEN are you going to get ugly fabric. The store is jammed with some gorgeous stuff. I want it all!!
On the way home, I stopped at Kroger and bought some green tea as Gretchen had reccommended. I had no idea there were so many types of green tea. After taking some advil for the pounding head, I brewed some tea. It should work because it tastes AWFUL. I hope this is an acquired taste. I am open for suggestions!!
After talking to the gals this morning, as well as Cindi, I have decided that my fatigue is probably due to the pollen. Georgia in the springtime....can't be beat!
The pollen is not bothering the boys as you can see. They have to get in their "couchtime" this week before Bailey arrives.
Posted by Unknown at 3:00 PM 4 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, March 28, 2008
One of my co-workers told me I looked tired today. I responded, "yeah, I'm not sleeping well. I don't know why." Problem is when I get home after work, I end up down for the count. I realized this afternoon as I pulled the car into the garage that I was going to stop and get my hair cut. Well that didn't happen! How hard is it to put the car in reverse and back down the driveway? That didn't happen either. I read a couple of chapters in the book I picked up at the library and then put the tv on. When I wake up, I have had a nap that lasted over an hour. The boys are happy on their (self) assigned quilts and the news is long over. This is how I slept through the tornado 2 weeks ago.
Don't know why I am having this problem. I am not drinking as much soda, but I only used to have one can before. I switched to water...maybe I need more caffeine?
Next week Bailey comes to stay with me. Maybe we need to walk in the park after work-maybe that will help.
So Laurie's new quilt -well the fabric for Laurie's quilt is sitting on the kitchen table waiting.....Just last week I managed to clean off the table and now the fabric is back again. Becky posted a picture of one of the quilts for this quarter and it is great. It is called Giggles-love it, Becky. Melisa from Sweet Home posted a new newsletter and maybe I should go down and check out her new stuff.
Maybe I'll just go sit back down on the couch and think about it tomorrow.
Posted by Unknown at 8:40 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
'twas the night before Easter
Laurie came up this afternoon to show me how to use Skype and also to show me agaain how to resize pictures. This time I took notes and hopefully will remember how to do it. It was a pretty day today. But with the pretty days comes the pollen and my head told me that Spring has offically arrived with sneezing and aching head. I have been in the South for ten years now-arriving April 1, 1998. The following weekend was the weekend of the tornadoes in Dunwoody and the beginning of my education in this weather phemonenon.
I can't believe I have been here 10 years. Where has the time gone? And yet, it feels like I have been here all my life. I miss my friends in NY but life here is good. I have made wonderful friends here as well. And I have reinvented myself and that is a good thing.
I did corral the fabric that oozed out of the sewing room and put it back in there. Not that there is any rhyme or reason in that room. It is really bad. I'm thinking I will need to spend a little time in there cleaning up. Laurie and I had more discussion about her planned quilt. Plan "B" will be the block with lattice work because it would be just too busy the other way. On a lighter note she thought Gretchen's Bella's quilt was really pretty. (hint,hint)-that is when I had to tell her that if she looked in her house she would see the same quilt. I gave it to her after Christmas when I made another. It is Honeyberries from 40 Fabulous Quilts. Such a silly child I raised. We had a great dinner last evening...I luv chocolate martinis!!!Eat dessert first, so you have room.
Posted by Unknown at 8:34 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Binding now completed on the second quilt this week. Wootwoot!!!
My Quality Control Inspector has done is prelinimary insepction and I think he approves! Although pink is not his best color! This is another sisters quilt. I was going to look for the book but Laurie has called and it looks like we are going out to eat! Good thing because there is nothing in my kitchen that is edible!
Posted by Unknown at 5:40 PM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: quilts
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Spiff gives his approval-2 paws up!
Spiff could not wait to check out the new fabric. It is soo yummy-even better in person. He gives it 2 paws up. He will really look handsome reclining on this quilt! My plan is to use the pattern in the above book. The White flowers on purple will be the border and the binding is in the stripe material.
Posted by Unknown at 4:39 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
I think I may have a problem....
Okay...I KNOW I have fabric issues. ZaZa by Moda is due to be delivered today. Now another habit I have developed is checking email after I 1) feed the cats and 2) put the coffee on in the morning. I decided I would check the progress of my package. How interesting...to see where the package has been and when. Anyway-it arrived in Doraville this morning at 3AM and should be on my doorstep when I return home from work. I would guess that others are aware of the tracking system but I just never bothered before. This fabric addiction is bad!! I joked on the sisters website about rolling naked in the fabric...I hope I am not quite that bad but I realized last night that the fabric has once again oozed out of the sewing room, taken over the kitchen table and is in the livingroom. I must contain it again before any of my children come to check on me!
Bailey arrives soon for her extended stay with me while Laur goes Far East. I have not told the boys she is coming. They will not be happy!
Posted by Unknown at 5:44 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Yes, Sister Superior, I am on a roll! Yesterday I took a break from working on the baby quilt, to pick up one of the quilts awaitng me at Stitch 'N Quilt. It is the one made with the Sanctuary fabric from Moda. (I love Moda!!! but I agree with Gretchen-an ugly line of fabric once in awhile would be okay)! Anyway this is a sisters' quilt. It is the pattern that Becky was working on this weekend called Crossroads. I wanted to take a picture of it, but the batteries are dead in the camera....so pictures later.
Also finished the top of the baby quilt. I have to find a back for it and then quilt it. Don't know when the baby is due but school ends the end of May, so I don't have that much time.
Back to work today.
Posted by Unknown at 6:47 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: quilts
Friday, March 14, 2008
Temptation thy name is fabric
Okay, I admit it,I'm bad.....I went on a local quest for the fabric that I have been lusting. Melisa of Sweet Home is in Macon and Mike is not sure if this is one they are getting. When I called Intown, I was told, "We don't carry Moda". Well maybe you should! One cannot live on batiks and brights all the time! I think I saw it in Marietta but I am not about to drive over there. Soooooooooo, went online and ordered it from the FatQuarter Shop. It is such yummy fabric I can not wait to fondle it!!!!!I even have a pattern in mind from a book called It's All about Color and Fabric. So the fabric is being shipped today wootwoot! Once again, the good intentions......out the window!!!!:(
But I am a happy camper:-)
Posted by Unknown at 1:26 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: fabric addiction
National Quilt Day
Tomorrow I had planned to work on Laurie's Japanese motif quilt. But yesterday evening when I dropped off the quiltlette to Sue, she told me her teacher's aid has a grandbaby on the way and we need to make a quilt for a little baby girl. Actually this is a good thing since I can try the pattern I am considering for Laur's quilt and not waste any fabric. And I can shop in the sewing room for the baby quilt...win win situation!
Started a new book-"Blessed Is the Busybody" but the eyelids were a little droopy last night.
I am trying to contain myself but there is a fabric line that I REALLY want. I saw it on the Fatquarter Shop site. OHHHHHH I want some of that fabric but then I look at the sewing room. I thought I had some of the fabric that Becky is looking for so I went on the hunt last night. I really have to do something about organizing the piles of fabric on the floor under the table and lining the wall. It is bad!!!!
I think I will now go drool over that fabric one more time. I didn't delete it from my email site in case I change my mind!
Posted by Unknown at 5:59 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: fabric stash
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
One of those days
As I headed home from work today, I realized that today was one of those days that I have come to know as early Spring in Georgia. Yeah...it was warm and it was beautiful. The forsythia is in bloom and the Bradford pears have begun to pop. Some one was out giving their lawn a quick trim and the smell of grass!!!!! Need I say more. The pollen count is still low. One of those days when you're glad to be alive and living in Atlanta.
I opened the back door and aired the place out a bit. The guys thought that that was a pretty good idea and spent some time observing the neighborhood birds. And the best part is that this is hump day....2 more days to go until the weekend!!!! I meant to make a test block for Laurie's quilt this afternoon but it didn't happen. Instead I started reading one of the books I picked up at the library. And took a tiny snooze. Since we had a catered lunch at work today, I don't have to even consider any kitchen/nuke time tonight. I am still full! And now I am heading back to the couch..wootwoot!
Posted by Unknown at 6:27 PM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: weather
Monday, March 10, 2008
If a bear chases you run down a hill...
I bet you ask...what does that mean?? You are not alone! When I first saw the blocks created by Sue's third graders, I said to her, "what the *&#@ does that mean." She had aked her students to offer advice. I guess there must be some bears in Buckhead that the population of greater Atlanta does not know about! At any rate, the quilt/throw for the student teacher is now complete. I must say it is a strange little item that will probably not be long for this world or at least not see the light of day! But it is done and now it is her problem!
Posted by Unknown at 7:29 PM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: quilts
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Had a good time yesterday at sisters. Although Sister superior got on my case about my rotary cutting skills. But then again, I just ignore her!
I finished the "good to go" bag and I picked up the quilt from Peggy. This quilt is destined for Duluth since it is Kris's colors. I finished sewing on the binding this morning. Spiff has given it is seal of approval, so it is good to go!
This afternoon I really have to layer up the quilt for Sue to give. Once I finally get that done, it should go fast. I still need to make the binding for it.
Posted by Unknown at 7:04 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Spring...gone again
March in Atlanta is very changeable. This morning we have snow again. The weatherman promises that it is just flurries and will not stick to the roads. I am tired of winter -even southern winter!! Last night there was a possible tornado close to the Alabama border. I guess I must have dozed through the warnings. I do that a lot! But today it is cold and gray out there. I am going to go to sisters this morning. I will work on the "good to go" bag and see if I can finish it up.
Cindi and I are both expecting quilts from PJ. Mine is the one I will give to Kris as it is her colors. When she was a little girl she told her first grade teacher that green was her best color. In that year she had a little Healthtex dress that was green. She loved that dress and wore it all the time. She is not so much into green now that she is a grown up! I dug out the plastic bag with "summer kitchen" in it and I think I will see if I can figure this one out after all these years! Sister Superior Pat just might have to help me though..if I beg!
Enough of this rambling, I need to go put some warmer clothes on! Hurry back Spring.
Posted by Unknown at 8:22 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: cats and weather, quilts
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Becky tagged me...
Since I have been reading links to my friends blogs, I knew all about being tagged. So here goes...list 7 random or wired things about myself:
1-I'm no longer very domestic. The kids are all grown up and on their own. I don't like to cook and only have a kitchen because it came with the house. I don't use it much. Housekeeping is overrated. Who will know or care in 100 years if the house was neat and tidy.
2-I don't like to fly. I guess I'd just as soon stay home in my (messy) house.
3-Cats are my favorite people.
4-I love driving down a road I've never been on before-no maps allowed. I wonder where this will come out?
5-I can kill a plant faster than almost anyone!
6-When I'm not in my sewing room (or at work), I love to read. "who dunits" is my favorite genre.
7-I love warm weather. I'd love to live near the ocean so I could take long walks on the beach. Caribbean blue, warm water and tropical breezes-no hurricanes
Now I have a real problem because Becky has already linked to a lot of the people I would tag. But here goes: how about Cindi, Kathy, Louise, Kathy, (this is scary)Laurie, Renee, can't think of anyone else-how sad!
for the rules check Becky's site: Quiltingbooklady.blogspot.com/
Posted by Unknown at 6:01 AM 4 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
This is the second Stitch 'N Sisters quilt-November 2004. Yet another top that has been sitting awaiting backing/quilting/binding. The pattern is by Buggy Barn and called Blaze's Heart. The fabric selection, as usual, was chosen by Pat Wys, the "sister superior" and excellent as always. I chose a quilting pattern called sunflowers and had it quilted in a thread color called cranapple. It really makes the design pop! I went to the sisters web site on yahoo and the 2004 album contained 3 quilts. I now have completed one, one is in line at the shop to be quilted and the third remains in a plastic bag, all kitted up and ready to go.
Next on the list is the quilt for Sue's student teacher. The top is completed. I need to layer it up. I plan on quilting this bad boy myself. I also need to finish the "good to go" bag.
This Saturday is sisters. Hopefully I can get something done there.
When I was looking on the web site, I noted many 2005 quilts that need completion. Perhaps I should revise my list and finish them in order. Won't Pat be surprized when she sees "Rotten Vegetables"(4/05) all done! "Homespun Hill" (9/05) now has one house with no roof or chimney and the rest of the "housing development" remains in a pile on the coffee table. "Blueberry Pie" (6/05) need the backing and binding made, as does "Garden Path"(8/05). So many quilts...so little time!
Posted by Unknown at 6:43 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sue uploaded the pictures she took this afternoon of your sewing adventure. It looks like a kodak moment for Janome! I was working on a project for Sue. She has a student teacher this semester and has had her kids decorate blocks. I hit my sewingroom and picked out a bag of different fabrics and we created a simple quilt for them to present to her when she leaves. Sarah was a hoot-so into the fabric-I should have taken her with me for shop hop! She is making a little quilt for her American girl doll. It is a little cattymampous but it is her first attempt. Although she was pretty excited about the pincushion I gave her too! Emma wanted to be involved too. Sue found the safety scissors and she did some cutting of the scraps-then Disney called. Even Rob was intrigued by my needle threader gismo...."It took me 15 minutes to thread a needle the other day" oh well-the mother-in-law has good toys too!
Joan of Stitch 'N Quilt called yesterday afternoon and # 3 quilt is ready to be picked up. I will get it on Saturday at sisters. I need to work on the project for Sue as the student teacher leaves the end of this month. Then I have to think about the quilt for Laurie's bed. I think I am going to modify one of the patterns from the book I bought at Intown the other day and use the people fabric as a focus fabric-at least that is the thought of the moment.
Tomorrow it is back to the old grind. I tried reading this afternoon and promptly fell asleep. All in all, it was a busy and fun weekend.
Posted by Unknown at 9:53 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Labels: quilts and kids
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I am on a roll! This is the second pinhead quilt. Like the last one, this top has been sitting on a shelf. Now it is completed. Woot woot!
Met Laurie this morning and we went to check out "oriental looking" fabric. Since the Duluth shop was featuring Japan, I thought this was a good start. Laurie found something to her liking and now I have to make a new quilt for her bed-king size.
I also decided I wanted to go to one of the shops in Marietta which I did. Nothing special there either. So, long story short, I did pretty well this Shop Hop weekend.
Posted by Unknown at 3:45 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments