I think this is year 12 of Shop Hop. I have done part or all of most of them. Cindi and I headed out bright and early yesterday morning. first stop (of course) was Sweet Home. I picked up my Atlanta fabric. I am thinking of a just can't cut it quilt in the future. I also will be making one of my new fabric bags. That cute bundle just jumped into my hand, so I needed to take that home as well. Becky and Kristie were already there shopping when we arrived. Also met friend Louise and her hubby Mike. Cindi and I had only planned on 2 shops but since Becky and Kristie were heading south to Scarlet Thread, we decided to follow.

Note-also picked up month 3 of Comfort and Joy. And so beginneth the applique. Support group should be on standby. I looked at it when I got home. WHAT WAS I THINKING!! This month is house construction.

We drove down and found the new location for Scarlet without a problem. The new shop is a wow! And right at the door as I walked in, what did I spy? A whole display of Lilac Hill. I did need another charm pack for my schnibble that will be part of the backing. And then I decided that I am going to make the quilt bigger than originally planned, so I need more yardage and another jelly roll. Cindi also needed some Lilac Hill and when Louise got there, she did too! Karmen-let Mom know just how much we love this line.
I also saw a cute bag pattern, so I got that and the handles as well.
We also visited Patchwork Cottage. Also featured at the entrance....yup-Lilac Hill. Could it be that it is a fav since lilacs don't grow in this area. But you can almost smell them as you look at the fabric. I miss lilacs in the Spring.
I headed home as I had an urgent appointment with the couch. It has been another awful week at work and I am exhausted. I am rapidly reaching the breaking point now. If there is no improvement, I will need to make some choices but I will wait until after the cruise to decide.