error on the page. No picture. It loads but nothing. I HATE this. At any rate....after a week of heavy duty sewing at Summer Stitch In, I have not gone near any sewing. I did try to pick up a little, as the living room was pretty much strewn with piles of "stuff". I did make a tiny dent yesterday. This morning I decided that perhaps I would play with the Crazy Teapots. One constructed (which was the picture).
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Summer Stitch In too soon over
well..maybe not. I am EXHAUSTED!!! 6 days of sewing. I tried to post a picture but alas, it's not working (again). I finally completed a project on Saturday afternoon. It is a Schnibble of a pattern called Huble-a giant star. The fabric is so cute. Not a clue what I will do with it. I also am the proud recipient of one of the coveted Ka Ka awards. I really would like to show that. It is a tradition of our little band of Thimble wacko's. It is a vase/jar filled with snippets and scraps. we all trhrow into the vase during the week. I am also happy to say that I did not win any of the left/right/center games thank goodness. Saturday's game came close and I was really sweating it. I won last year and even cutting the blocks smaller ala Bonnie Hunter did nothing to improve the blocks. I finally game them all away. Maybe I will figure out how to fix the picture thingy.
Posted by Unknown at 8:40 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Pat, Pat, Pat....what day is it???
It is hump day!!! This week is summer stitch in in Silver Thimble Club land. 6 glorious days of sewing, laughing, eating and just plain having fun.

Posted by Unknown at 9:01 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Movie Date
When I was up in Dalonega, I got the blue fabric for latice. The pattern read 32 strips of each and I got enough for that. Problem was it should have been 64. Back to the drawing board. I changed the nine patches to five inch squares and will finish this baby as a Just 4 U. I need a couple of borders and it is done. I found a piece of fabric at home that goes much better with the nine patch blocks I made. I will finish that and it will be incorporated into a backing. I am thinking it will be on the top that I plan to make at Stitch-in next week.
Now to the date.........are you ready???????
Emma and I went to see Despicable Me 2 this morning. What a cute movie. I love the minions. I can't remember the last movie I saw. Now I want to see the Smurf movie too! I am sensing a pattern.
Posted by Unknown at 2:44 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
test post
I am trying to see if this works. I uploaded a picture and it vanishes. I HATE this
Posted by Unknown at 11:12 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Quilt Inspector on Duty
Posted by Unknown at 8:42 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Happy Fourth
Posted by Unknown at 9:04 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Just a lazy week
Speaking of hump day-I just love that commercial with the camel in it! Marty asked me what it was advertising and I did not know. Had to wait for it to come on again. (It is for Geico).
Summer Stitch-in is in a couple of weeks and I am still working on what projects I am going to do. As of now, no clue!
Maybe today I will get myself going. I am headed for the pool this morning and then we will see!
Posted by Unknown at 6:10 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Bloomin' Baskets workshop
On Wednesday I had the opportunity to attend her workshop in Cartersville. We did a tablerunner that was recently shown in Quiltmaker magazine. See that applique? Yup-I did that!! It is raw edge applique. By the end of the day, I had half of the applique stitched. I am anxious to try the quilting technique that she demonstrated as well. Since the table runner is small, I think I just might be able to do it!
I treated myself to some of her fabric for my birthday. Such pretty purples!! I am a pushover for purple anyway. Not sure how Spooky feels about purple.
I had never been to Cartersville before. It is a cute little sleepy southern town complete with the prerequisite pawn shops! I don't remmeber pawn shops in NY but there are lots of them down here!
Posted by Unknown at 6:58 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Silver Thimble Sewing
Queen Thimble also provided step 2 of her new mystery, Spot On! I have chosen to do my version in hot pink and gray. I needed to use my Deb Tucker tools for this step: the Magic Wand and the Wing Clipper. Now all my friends know about me and the magic wand-that I have several in various colors. (if one is good, then 2 is better, etc.!) And if you are making flying geese the Wing Clipper is a MUST. I only have one of those.
It is a good sewing weekend and next week is chock full of sewing adventures-guild meeting, workshop and several luches. I LOVE retirement
Posted by Unknown at 5:53 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thoughts on Aging
I got to water aerobics early this morning. I was sitting in my car looking at the dollar bills Now I know that the various reserve banks and mints are marked on the bills. I had a "D" and a "J". I was trying to read what site those letter denote. Now I have to google it becasue there was no way that I could read that tiny print.
After aerobics, we were walking back to our cars. Sharon misplaced hers. The parking lot is not that big but she did not park in her usual spot. I mentioned to one of the ladies that I do not let the baggers at Publix take my stuff to the car, mainly becasue I don't want to embarass myself looking for it! Someone told me when you park you should look at the sign on the building and that way you will know where the car is. This does not always work either.
So now I am going to Goggle the mint sites. As for the picture of Wild Willie. I forgot why I posted it!!
Posted by Unknown at 9:56 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Playing Catch Up!
I am not sure why Mr. Wild Willie is posing. He is just chillaxing in the kitchen. My guess is that he is waiting to see if some food will magically appear.
Posted by Unknown at 12:47 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Lazy Sunday Mystery-Part 3
On the "to-do" list for the weekend are 2 blocks for block of the week and a replacement for a missing piece of Blogger Girls block. It will probably turn up after I make the new one. I think I also need to make one more block for that project.
So much for cleaning up the sewing room. BUT I REALLY need to tackle that project-and soon.
Posted by Unknown at 7:10 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
26 minutes until Happy Hour
We had lots of good food came back home with us). Lots of snacks and goodies.
North Georgia wilderness. This is the view from Brenda's cabin somwhere northeast of Blue Ridge. My goodness the drive up the mountain was take your breath away and thank goodness I was not the one driving!
I am going to call this quilt 26 minutes til happy hour. This quilt will eventually live in Florida once I make a backing and get it quilted. Brenda's quilt is also draped over the loft railing. It is spectacular-all shirtings and reproduction fabric.
Busy quilters-what a wonderful hideaway. Brenda's land backs up on a national forest. Becky is busy working on a mystery quilt and there is Pat, always on the ball! Gotta luv these peeps.
Posted by Unknown at 3:52 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, May 26, 2013
New Project?...

Posted by Unknown at 8:07 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, May 24, 2013
Celebrating One Year
I have discovered many things in the past 12 months:
-Pajama days are highly under-rated
-I have more projects (and fabric) than I will be able to finish in my lifetime
-Quilting buddies can get you in A LOT of trouble
-Laughing is contagious, road trips with friends are the best
-There are so many talented people in Gwinnett Co. and they share and encourage freely
-Guild, workshops and retreats are addictive
-When you leave the house, it will probably end up costing $100
-It doesn't matter what you look like in a bathing suit
All in all, I am in love with my new life style. I have the time to do what I want to do. I have the time to enjoy my granddaughters. I have time to smell the flowers and reflect on how I am so blessed.
And on a side note: Spooky and Wild Willie seem to enjoy having me around more.
Posted by Unknown at 8:21 AM 4 wonderful peoplecomments
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Farewell to Facebook
I've decided that I am done with Facebook. Lately all there has been is stuff copied from Pinterest and ads. I am tired of people and their rants and raves as well. Maybe I will look at the cat pictures-really don't want to give those up.
Posted by Unknown at 8:12 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Grandmother's Choice block of the week
I do love a mystery and this weekend at Thimbles, Pat introduced the new mystery quilt. I am excited!! I will be doing it in light gray and hot pink.
It is a very gray day here in the ATL. I have managed to clean up and get dressed. Just may be all that I get accomplished today.
Posted by Unknown at 12:36 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, May 18, 2013
A Clowder of Crazy Cats
Mr quilt inspector is checking out my work. I also had to embroider whiskers. I tried to make one of the cats in the quilt resemble Wild Willie. Spooky is kind of represented but it was hard as he is all black. I hope he does not notice!
Posted by Unknown at 3:27 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
2012 Quilt Retreat swap
Posted by Unknown at 3:54 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, May 11, 2013
#37 -Nameless Star:The Lucy Stone League
Spooky felt the need to assist me this morning in fabric selection for this block. I guess he did not approve of my choice, as I ended up with a small scratch on my finger!
The completed block. This block is also called Variable Star or Sawtooth Star
My other quilt inspector checking out my progress on the swap. A few of us from last year's quilt retreat met last Saturday to swap our blocks. I have constructed the center but the borders are still a work in progress. I do love the secondary patterns that are created with putting the blocks together. I have navy fabric for a narrow border. The outer border is going to be ?????
Yesterday at the senior center I worked on disappearing four patches. This is one possibility. And I have the blue/gold half square triangles too. Decisions, decisions! We had a spirited and often hilarious discussion yesterday of non-quilt related topics. I think the powers that be may be sorry they moved this rowdy bunch up to the front of the building It is good to laugh yourself silly at times!
Emma and I are going to have a sleepover tonight as Sarah is off camping with the girl scouts. I wonder what Emma has up her sleeve to do!!! I know it will involve french fries anyway.
Posted by Unknown at 9:14 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Monday, May 6, 2013
Sunbonnet Sue needs rainware!
So you ask, what is this? She is something I really did not need. But since the tax refund FINALLY arrived, I decided to treat myself. She has a wonderful stitch that I can do some quilting on small pieces. She has a built in walking foot. If you look at old Sue, you can see a decorative stitch I did on her bonnet. It only took me a few trys to figure out how to wind the bobbin. I am signed up for a class the middle of May. I need to write down questions I have. Otherwise when I get there, I will have forgotten!
Now it is confession time......this past Sunday I went to have something to eat with my friend Sarah. I arrived first. I told the waitress that I was meeting a friend who had short, red curly hair. Sarah does not have red hair and never has. What was I thinking??? I attribute the booboo to the over abundance of rain lately!!
Posted by Unknown at 11:46 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Just pluggin' away
I had a busy week sewing and playing with my friends. Yesterday we had a food/fuel/fun trip in the local area. We went to a fabric garage sale! It actually made me feel not so bad about my own stash. This lady had a room full of goodies. I asked her how much of her stash was there and she said it was about one third of what she had. She is right up there in contention for the prize "she who has the most fabric when she dies..wins"!
And after a trip to a shop in Cumming (a story in and of itself), we headed for the "food" part of the day. Marty had her of a little restaurant in Cumming called The Foster House. It is open for breakfast and lunch during the week, and dinner on Sat and Sun. It is a gem. The food was delish! I was forced to rest when I got home. It was a great day.
As I was rather busy this week with lots of dots on my calendar..I never did get to the block of the week from last Saturday. And now it is once again Saturday, so I will have 2 to do. And it looks like busy weekend.
Posted by Unknown at 7:51 AM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Thimble Weekend
I started working on the sashing for the Blogger Girls Block of the Month. It is a 6 month program by Monique Dillard of Open Gate. I am using Indigo Crossing line by Moda-pretty blues and creams. It is so yummy. I am not quite finished making the square in a square units-I have 15 more to go. 20 large, 62 medium and 47 small done. The square in a square ruler by Deb Tucker makes it much easier to do.
Today I really need to rediscover the kitchen table. It is currently buried under several projects. It looks pretty outside but it is a little chilly.I will venture out after it warms up. Pollen count only 768 today. It is getting much better.
Posted by Unknown at 9:47 AM 2 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, April 18, 2013
It's not a Baltimore Album!
Yesterday I went to a "Out of the Box" workshop with Mary Lou Weidman. Free-form piecing an Hoochy Mama blocks. It was a fun day. Now I am doing some serious thinking about my next project. I think it will involve a cow. Stay tuned!! (I wonder how Spooky feels about cows?)
Posted by Unknown at 7:57 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Maybe not my favorite block
Spooky, the official project inspector is checking out my work on part 2 of the Lazy Sunday mystery. I like the way the colors on this quilt are coming together. I think I am in my "bright" period.
Wild Willie is busy observing the backyard from his perch in the sewing room. He has no time for quilt inspection-too many birds out there.
I have Dixie Diary block 4 completed except for the applique piece (go figure!) I also have piecing work on the crazy cat flowers. There is also applique involved there. It seems there is a bit of stalling going on at willie and Spooky's house.
Posted by Unknown at 10:37 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Friday, April 12, 2013
Doing the Bonnie Hunter happy dance
Bonnie's Scrappy Trip Around the World. What a fun project. And see all those brights on the border? I have no idea where or when I acquired them! I think this baby still needs a final black border.
I realized yesterday that I never downloaded April block for Dixie Diary. Tomorrow when I do the next block of the week for Grandmother's Choice, I'll just knock that bad boy off too.
Posted by Unknown at 5:23 PM 1 wonderful peoplecomments
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Of course Spooky, the quilt inspector is checking my work. The first picture I took, he was laying on the cat's face!
Posted by Unknown at 3:30 PM 0 wonderful peoplecomments
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
FunkyTown ready for occupancy
I wonder if it is any warmer in FunkyTown than here in the ATL. Snow flurries this morning. will it ever end???
Posted by Unknown at 4:15 PM 3 wonderful peoplecomments
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Funky Forest
(too many ideas, too little time!)
Posted by Unknown at 11:28 AM 1 wonderful peoplecomments