Saturday, April 26, 2008


Friendship Crossing is the first quilt of the Stitchnsisters club. It was started in (would you believe) 2004. It has been sitting in it's bag since about 2 months ago. It is part of my plan to "finish it up". I picked it up yesterday and today instead of cleaning, I put the binding on. Now another quilt is completed-11 so far in 2008!

I did do a little straigthening up and ran the vacuum since Bailey is dropping fur like crazy. Tomorrow I need to layer up the quilt that Sue is giving to her aide-as it is getting close to the end of the school year. Gotta get it done!

I have a few more finished tops that I need to finish the process. "Rotten Vegeatbles" is the next one to go to the longarmer.

2 wonderful peoplecomments:

Becky said...

Friendship Crossing is simply stunning. I do love this quilt. Wish mine was completed. Please send me your new e-mail address. You are doing such a good job completing UFO's.

Take care!

Gretchen said...

You go girl!! Wow you have finished so many already this year!! Are you going on the sisters retreat?